
How to Draw a Pigeon in Pen and Ink



Hello, this is Pen Art Maru. I specialize in pen drawings.

  • Are you interested in pen art but unsure where to start?
  • Do you want to create realistic drawings using simple tools?

If so, this article is for you!


In this guide, I will explain in detail how to draw a pigeon (rock pigeon) in pen and ink, making it easy even for beginners.

I will cover practical steps, from using tracing for the initial sketch to techniques for rendering feather textures with a ballpoint pen.

Be sure to read until the end!

By reading this article, you will:

  • Learn the step-by-step process for drawing a pigeon in pen and ink
  • Gain techniques for expressing feather textures and shading with a ballpoint pen

Pen drawing is an art form that allows deep and expressive creations using simple tools, making it easy for beginners to start.

Through this guide, I hope you will learn essential techniques and tips to enhance your own pen and ink artwork.

Tools Used

About Pigeons (Rock Pigeon)

The subject of this tutorial is a type of pigeon called the rock pigeon (Columba livia).

Rock pigeons belong to the family Columbidae and are native to various regions.

The pigeons commonly seen in Japan, known as “dobato,” are domesticated rock pigeons that have become feral.


  • Body length: Approximately 30–35 cm
  • Small head, stocky body, and prominent chest
  • Feathers vary in color, including dark brown, gray, and white

Preparing to Trace

Printing the Reference Image

For this drawing, we will use a light table.

A light table is a tool that illuminates an image from beneath, making it easier to trace.

First, print out the reference image. In this tutorial, I used A6-sized paper.

Aligning the Drawing Paper

Place the printed image underneath your drawing paper.

Turn on the light table to illuminate the image from below, allowing you to see the reference through the paper.

This method helps ensure accurate tracing.


Drawing the Outline

For this piece, I will skip the pencil sketch and draw directly with a pen.

Start by outlining the pigeon, roughly shaping the wings and feathers.

Base Sketch

First, sketch the general shape of the entire pigeon before moving on to details.

  • Draw the edges of the feathers.
  • Depict the shadow on the ground using horizontal strokes.

Adding Feather Details

  • Draw the feathers on the head and body.
  • Use light strokes with an oil-based ballpoint pen to create gray tones.

Refining the Details

Layer strokes to darken certain feathers.

Add shadows to the tail feathers and feet.

Define the head and neck area.

Depict the chest, body, wings, and tail feathers.


Finally, adjust the overall balance while adding fine details.

The drawing is complete! Don’t forget to add your signature.


How did you find this tutorial?

By gently stroking the ballpoint pen, you can create gray tones to differentiate the pigeon’s colors and patterns.

Pen drawing is an art form that is easy to start with minimal tools yet allows for deep and intricate expression.

I hope this article has helped you appreciate the beauty and depth of pen art.

Thank you for reading until the end!
I encourage you to try creating your own pen and ink artwork. Happy drawing!

こんにちは。 ペン画丸といいます。 ペン画を描いております クローディア・ナイス著 「ペン&インク」という本をきっかけに、リアルなペン画に興味を持ちました。 ペン画は紙とペン(とインク)があれば気軽にはじめるコトができます。 ブログサイト「ペン画丸のペン画」で、ペン画の楽しさを広めていきたいです。